
Dirk Vermeulen's discography includes over 30 cd’s on EMI, Vanguard Classics, Discover, Eufoda, Et’cetera, Brilliant Classics, Tactus and Phaedra. You find an overview below. Click on an album to see the cover in detail.

Dirk Vermeulen’s new CD, "The Children of the Sea" (De Kinderen der Zee) has recently been released, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Phaedra label. This disc includes symphonic excerpts and arias from operas by the outstanding Flemish composers Lodewijk Mortelmans and August de Boeck, with the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen in Germany.

Here is what the Dutch critic Basia Jaworski wrote in the Dutch magazine Luister: I am most impressed with this recording: the performance is beyond sublime. Under maestro Dirk Vermeulen, the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen plays as if their lives depended on it - it is breathtaking! This CD is a must!

You can access a copy of the original article in pdf here.

Basia Jaworski - Luister Magazine (March 2018)